#HairAid Hero
working together to teach people living in poverty haircutting skills

Hair Aid x Comfortel Cutting Kits
Now in its tenth year, the Australian based charity Hair Aid are doing amazing things both internationally and in communities throughout Australia. When Selina first told her story about Hair Aid to the team at Comfortel, they were deeply moved by the cause and wanted to help.
Founded by Selina Tomasich, in late 2008, Hair Aid’s international mission is to recruit and send volunteer hairdressers, from all around the world, to overseas locations to provide free hair cutting training for people living in critical poverty.
Comfortel are now supporting Hair Aid’s work and providing scissor kits for trainees. The Cutting Kits are a vital part of the cause, which allows the people in need, a pair of scissors, comb and sectioning clips in a handy carry case. Previously second hand tools were collected for all corners of the world and refurbished and reused. This was a huge task and needed extensive coordination and was resource intensive.
Now, Hair Aid with the help of Comfortel has enough kits to continue gifting Cutting Kits until the end of 2020.
Comfortel joins the ‘Hair Aid Hair-oes’ team, along side Benni Tognini, Tabatha Coffey, Andrew Gomez Dream Foundation, Paul Mitchell Schools, DeLorenzo and Excellent Edges together with their enormous Hair Aid Family who have helped change the lives of people living in poverty; one haircut at a time.
You can keep up with Hair Aid’s work (or join the Hair Aid Family) by following them on Instagram or Facebook @HairAidAustralia or visiting their website www.hairaid.org.au

Stories of change
Ed Sudaria was a trainee of Hair Aid and someone stole his tool kit. The homeless man who was trained by Hair Aid last year… got his scissors stolen but undaunted, continued to do haircuts using a pair of kiddie scissors [pic bottom left]. On a recent trip, he got a replacement for the scissors he lost. Changing his life once again, through the gift of tools and skills.
‘Ed Sudaria sends his thanks to the Hair Aid team. Thank you all for being ENABLERS.’
“It’s amazing that people can go from zero skill to being able to cut basic haircuts in five days but seeing in believing. Their desire to learn is fuelled by a desperate need, to be able to earn money through doing basic haircuts. This is a skill they desperately want, so they focus totally during training and they achieve exceptional outcomes.”
Selina Tomasich, founder of Hair Aid.

about HairAid
Ed Sudaria was a trainee of Hair Aid and someone stole his tool kit. The homeless man who was trained by Hair Aid last year… got his scissors stolen but undaunted, continued to do haircuts using a pair of kiddie scissors [pic bottom left]. On a recent trip, he got a replacement for the scissors he lost. Changing his life once again, through the gift of tools and skills.
‘Ed Sudaria sends his thanks to the Hair Aid team. Thank you all for being ENABLERS.’
“It’s amazing that people can go from zero skill to being able to cut basic haircuts in five days but seeing in believing. Their desire to learn is fuelled by a desperate need, to be able to earn money through doing basic haircuts. This is a skill they desperately want, so they focus totally during training and they achieve exceptional outcomes.”
Selina Tomasich, founder of Hair Aid.

Hair Aid Community Cuts
Alongside these international projects, Hair Aid has started another offshoot; Hair Aid Community Cuts (HACCs).
Working in 65+ communities around Australia, volunteer hairdressers travel to various locations every six weeks to provide free haircuts to people who cannot afford them. Working with organisations volunteers attend domestic violence safe houses, church and community halls, food vans, car parks, street location and youth mental health houses as well as Ronald McDonald Houses every 6 weeks and cut hair for 2-3 hours. There are now over 65+ locations Australia wide. The demand is so great – and Hair Aid is working to reach more people around the country.
Hair Aid gifted 9,600 free haircuts, providing dignity and respect back to people in our own communities.
Want to help Hair Aid in changing lives, one haircut at a time?
Join the HairAid family
Hair Aid projects need volunteers to help do a number of things! Whether you’re a hairdresser, nail technician or a passionate volunteer, options include their international projects or locally as part of your community.
To join the HairAid Family and volunteer, or to find our more,
visit their website www.hairaid.org.au